Aaron (and Nathan and Tom), I want to thank you for all that you have done and are doing to reform Christianity in the UK. It's absolutely essential that we return to biblical truth and learn what it means to once again shine confidently and brightly in a dark world.

I first became aware of you on twitter, through you being suspended from Cliff College. It was extremely encouraging to see someone in the UK standing firm for biblical truth in the face of such strong opposition. Consequently, I then followed Pod of the Gaps and have subsequently subscribed to That Good Fight as well. I'm making my way through all the material!

Both these podcasts have been wonderful blessings to me and my family. It's so important that cultural and theological topics are discussed clearly from an unapologetically biblical position, where trust in God and his good design is first and foremost.

As Nathan said in one of the podcasts, these videos are building a repository of truth and witness for future generations.

I've personally seen the slide into compromise and egalitarianism in my own church and it's been a personal blessing (and relief!) to know I'm not the only person seeing what is happening at these times.

A few ideas:

1) You could put a post here for each Good Fight podcast so the community can comment on them - they often raise questions with me that would be interesting to explore.

2) I'm not far from Derbyshire, so would be very interested in any future in-person meetup/conference to discuss how to develop this work in the UK.

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Thankyou very much for your encouraging feedback, that's really good to hear, and I'm glad you've been encouraged. It's good to know you're not too far away for when we manage to arrange a gathering at some point. We certainly need to find ways of connecting those who see what's going on right now and want to do something about it.

Thanks also for the note about providing more comment interaction. I need to look at the (seemingly numerous) additional Substack options to see if there's anything better than just putting out description posts for each episode - though we could certainly do that anyway.

Thanks again, God bless.

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