What a thoroughly profound and encouraging piece! Thank you!

I need prudence, but I need passion more! I also know too well how I excuse my cowardice as prudence. But of course bravery isn't a stand-alone quality. I need to see with God's eyes... to see the loveliness and preciousness of every single person he created - as he does. Then I would bravely cry against all injustice to his children. I wouldnt be able to help it!

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Thankyou, and amen! In one sense, it really should be common sense; and there are many unbelievers who can see this injustice too, even if inconsistently. Yet there are many more who actively "suppress the truth" (Rom. 1), choosing not to see what is plainly obvious. Such people will never see issues like this fully until they see in light of God as creator, judge, and redeemer. To see with God's eyes we need the discernment of the Holy Spirit illuminating His Word. Only He can give us the kind of boldness & wisdom to sustain us in these battles.

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The Apostles, disciples, and reformers, because of their love for their Savior and their fellow man , knowing the consequences of sin, were willing to die for the truth as plainly revealed in the Bible. Thank you for the letter.

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Amen, thankyou

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